Paypal stop working on Windows Phone, BlackBerry, dan Amazon Fire OS.

One of the popular online payment service provider PayPal which has just announced plans to update the application. Stories Through PayPal, PayPal announced plans to stop update his mobile applications on the Android platform and iOS, as well as the PayPal app on Windows Phone, BlackBerry, and Amazon Fire OS.By PayPal through Joanna Lambert said that the decision was a difficult thing. However, it believes that it is the right thing to ensure that resources could be deployed PayPal to make the best products for its customers.Although native applications on the BlackBerry platform, Windows Phone, and FireOS will be discontinued but users of smartphones on the platform could still use other means. BlackBerry users, for example, can send the payment peer-to-peer via BBM, while Windows users can install add-ins in to transact via email.PayPal Application version 6.0 must be installed on the Android and iOS platforms began June 3 to 30 June. The application can be used in the Android version of 4:03 to the top or iDevices with iOS 8.1 and above.via The Verge, PayPal Stories
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