Overwatch 2016 gaming graphics and story review

Finally the game works Blizzard highly anticipated release too! Since it was first announced two years ago, Overwatch has successfully attracted so many people around the world, including me. With the unique character design, visual style resembles a Pixar animated film, as well as the support of big name Blizzard, Overwatch looks really promising.

Actually I was skeptical of the Overwatch fearing the content presented is not worth the high price. Online FPS game without a single player content like this in my opinion is more fitting as the game free-to-play. But how, after tried it myself, if the quality is worth the hype that is so great? Let's look under.

Welcome to the objective of gaming

Overwatch blends a first person shooter style game objective is commonly encountered in MOBA genre game / ARTS like Dota 2. In Overwatch, the goal is not to eradicate all your gaming enemies, but a mission / specific objective. Killing the enemy is only one way to achieve this mission and is not guaranteed to win the game.

Basically missions in Overwatch is only divided into two types, namely the Attack and Defense, but there are variations to the needs of different tactics. For example, the mission of Defense control point will be different with the mission of Defense to protect the payload (vehicle laden) is running. There is also a mission that requires both teams are equally doing Attack and fight one control point in the middle of the arena.

 The concept is simple mission, but was complex because of the variation map and hero in it so much. Like Dota 2, only one type of mission that is destroying Ancient, so that success is really dependent on the understanding hero, mastery of the battlefield, as well as the skill players. Complexity in the simplicity of making Overwatch potentially a very competitive game.

Nuance is backed by a competitive reward system that pamper players with high skill. The better you play, the more experience you can. When you level up, you'll get Loot Box contains various cosmetic items. Collecting cosmetics in multiplayer games like this course very pleasant.


Not only Loot Box only, Overwatch also has a system of highlights that show the best game in the match. All participants will be watching the broadcast highlights once the game is finished, so successfully "on TV" is an honor that should be pursued. You will definitely be motivated to practice and play better at.


Anyone can be a hero.

Overwatch theme with a strong element of heroism, and one thing we need to understand is that the definition of "hero" for each person can be different. Heroes do not have champion beat bad guys with super powers. A doctor who treated the patient back to health, an artist who inspires, even merchants who provide for her children, it was also a hero.
Similarly, in Overwatch, you do not have to be a sniper who is good kill enemies to be a hero. There are 21 heroes that you can choose, and every hero can contribute in their own ways. Understanding the role of hero and design a good cooperation is the most important thing in Overwatch.

You want to eradicate the enemy from hidden places? Choose a sniper hero like Widowmaker or Hanzo. More Like surging forward in the siege of the enemy? Use the offensive hero like Soldier: 76 or Reaper. The composition of the team would not be complete without a tank and support hero who served ward off an opponent's attack, therefore the hero as Reinhardt and Mercy can be popular even though both are expert killed.

 We are encouraged to form a team that is balanced and varied in Overwatch. In fact, this game will give advice / warning when we choose a hero, so we know what role should be filled for the sake of optimal game. So if the screen is displayed the words "no tank heroes" but not a single person who would choose the hero tank, do not be surprised if your team lost tragically.

The quality of a first-class makeup.

Blizzard did not play in making Overwatch so polished game very well. You can see from the stunning visual quality, game controls are intuitive and very responsive, as well as cosmetic design is cool and tempting to show off. But do not stop there.
The best element in Overwatch mandatory two thumbs up is the quality of matchmaking in it. Unlike the next game in which to find a match can take up to an hour, the average experience of my matchmaking in Overwatch only takes a few dozen seconds. A thing that I think is remarkable.

You also do not need to worry there are people out in the middle of the match, because as soon as there are players out then the server will automatically replace them with other players instantly. We did get out of the match at will, not necessarily follow from the beginning. And since the mission in Overwatch is very simple, you will not be confused even joined in the middle of the game.
If you are unlucky and happen to find matchmaking rather long time, you will be entered into skirmish mode which only an empty arena without objective. While waiting for matchmaking, you can try hero, or explore the arena to be studied. Given the location of items healer and sniping locations can help win games lo!

Encourage positive community.

Overwatch is a game that is really fun. Above I said that Overwatch potential to be very competitive, but the main shades will you feel when playing is that the game is made for fun. If it feels very satisfying win, but if you lose it's gone, just go to the next match.

 Overwatch communication features laid out in such a way that encourages positive communication and mutual support. You will find that quick chat most frequently used is the greeting "Hello" and tells you the duration of the cooldown ultimate moment, because the two things that are most easily accessible chat. With fast-paced gameplay like this, any type of trash talking it feels complicated.

Similarly, when the game is completed. You will be faced with the replay shows highlights of cool, and the screen shows the statistics of the players with the greatest contribution. Then you could commend (praising) players who think roosters, including players from the opposite camp, with one click only. Overwatch invites us to be appreciative of others, and this should be emulated by all online games on earth.


After reading the reviews above it looks like my conclusion was predictable. Overwatch is evidence that Blizzard still has not lost his strength as game developers on board, and required you to play if you like FPS or MOBA. For this one game I dare say the hype is real, baby!

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