Drone Fishing For Tuna ,great!!!

During this time, the drones are used to lots of interesting activities. Drone is designed to help people do things that are unique and creative.

For example, tuna fishing activities that could be recorded and uploaded by YouTube users, named Jaiden Maclean.

The information quoted from Ubergizmo, Wednesday (05/04/2016), two young men seemed to be fishing for tuna long tail type using DJI Phantom drone types.

Video begins with a sea view from the upper side. Then, seen two young men were preparing the tools to be used complete with the use of fishing line that has been fitted bait.

Furthermore, the drone was flown over the ocean gathering place of tuna. Drone controlled from land in sight managed to get fish hooked by the bait.

Curious whats look like, please watch the following video

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